10 Hot Tips for NFPs on Social

Looking to elevate your social media presence in 2024? Explore these 10 tips designed to steer your non-for-profit organisation's social media strategy toward success in the coming year. 

1. Define Your Social Why

In this fast-paced attention economy, it’s crucial to articulate a) why someone would want to follow your account, and b) why they would want to engage with your content. Without this clear articulation, you risk posting into the abyss without any clear purpose or meaning. A defined social why can be used as a compass to check yourself against, ensure your content is working towards a collective vision, and helps to define the value you bring to your audience. 

2. Conduct an Account Audit 

Take a critical look at your social media accounts. What's working well, and what needs improvement? Analyse your past performance, identify successful campaigns, and understand your audience's preferences. This audit will provide a solid foundation for refining your social media strategy.

3. Establish Content Pillars 

It’s often useful to categorise your content into pillars, to help ensure you’re providing enough variety for your audience. For example, an environmental charity may have 4 content pillars including, brand (what they’re up to, fundraising, their people, their mission, their progress etc.), events, education (content designed to inform/educate their audience) and culture (content designed to engage in relevant discourse and trends). You can put a weightage behind each pillar to indicate how much you’d like to be posting. E.g 30% brand, 30% education, 20% events, 10% culture. 

4. Define Clear Visual Guidelines 

It’s not rare to see an NFP social media account covered in pixelated photos, cringey stock imagery and off-brand type and colours. Yet the way you communicate visually can make or break your account. Your social media visual identity should trickle down from your hero brand kit, and clearly define fonts, colour palettes, photography treatment, iconography, graphic elements, visual templates and video guidelines. 

5. Define Communications Guidelines 

Like visual communication, your verbal communications guidelines on social media should flow from your hero brand kit. However, allow your brand tone of voice to flex a little to become more colloquial and conversational. Social is your chance to connect with your audience on a personal level, and your communications should reflect that. 

6. Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Social media is a two-way street. To build a genuine community online you need to authentically engage in conversations with your audience, and content that intersects with your organisation’s values. Take a stance on social issues, offer insights, listen to your audience and use social media as a place to facilitate meaningful discussions, beyond likes and emojis.  

7. Simplify Storytelling 

NFPs often have a tonne going on; there’s events, resources, fundraising initiatives, new research, volunteers, new charity arms and so much more. Attempting to communicate everything, all at once is a sure-fire way to lose impact. Instead, simplify your storytelling. For example, to communicate new research findings, use simple infographics on carousels to break down information into digestible soundbites. 

8. Prioritise Accessibility 

Ensure your content is accessible to everyone. Incorporate alt text for images, closed captions for videos, and choose easy-to-read fonts and colour contrasts. Making your content accessible broadens your reach and promotes inclusivity.

9. Spotlight People

While facts and figures are important for NFPs to communicate their mission and progress, it’s the stories of real people that engage us the most. Humanise your organisation by sharing personal stories and experiences. Whether it’s your staff, volunteers, clients, whānau, and folks in your community – putting faces to your cause creates a stronger connection with your audience.

10. Track, Analyze & Adapt 

Finally, revisit your social media strategy on a regular basis to track, analyse, and adapt where necessary. We all know how rapidly the social media landscape changes, and to keep up we must constantly have our figure on the pulse. Utilise analytics tools to assess the performance of your content, understand your audience, and adapt your strategy accordingly.

2024 holds immense potential for NFPs to make a meaningful impact on social media. By implementing these 10 hot tips, your organisation can navigate the social landscape with purpose, creating a robust online presence that gets you one step closer to achieving your mission. 

Get in touch about our Social Media services here.

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